Sunday, November 17, 2013


The other day I saw a quote by Gordon B. Hinckley and I immediately had to copy it down because it is perfect for me right now in my life.

"You are good.
But it is not enough just to be good.
You must be good for something.
You must contribute good to the world.
The world must be a better place for your presence.
And the good that is in you must spread to others…"

I am so blessed in my life. Devan and I both have great jobs, a beautiful place to live, wonderful family and friends, the gospel and SO much more. I would like to say that we are good people. I really try hard to be kind to those around me and try my hardest in all that I am doing. So as I read this quote it started me thinking. These past few weeks I have felt uneasy a lot. I have felt overwhelmed and too busy. I have so much going on in my life that it almost feels like I am not living my life. I go to work and then come home and do other work, or if I am lucky and do have a night off it seems like Devan is always working.

While they are good things taking up my time I have felt too busy to have fun- too busy to see friends and parts of our family hardly ever, to have dates with my husband and spend quality time with him, too busy to better myself and those around me.

I don't think that is a good place to be. So I have decided I need to start doing, contributing, and trying to be better. It's not good enough for me to be filling my time with just good things- I need to decide what is "good, better, and best"-Dallin H. Oaks. I need to start balancing my time.

Devan and I were driving home from seeing my family this evening- the first time in a couple months- and we were talking about how we are so happy to have these problems instead of other ones that could be so much worse, but that we are so excited for the time to come in our lives when we will be able to be more balanced.

I hope you all feel balanced in your lives and at peace- and if not hopefully you feel inspired to make some changes. I know that just making the decision to change up my thinking and start doing has already made me feel better!

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  1. I think it is wonderful that you, at such a young age, are thinking in a postive way and willing to be the "good" in this world. You and Devan are such a cute couple. Just remember that "date night" is just as important and in doing so, you will find the "good" things in the world to complete your life. Take care.

  2. oops, posted as unknown....this is Teresa Wilkins

  3. You are a very wise women Gentry...Love this post...great food for thought! Thanks for sharing.


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